Class Reactions

As you read Wringer, post your reactions or what you annotated here. Please be specific! (Example: Instead of writing "I liked it," write "I liked ______ because _____.")


  1. In the book Wringer, the main character, Palmer, has a pet pigeon named Nipper but the problem is, his whole town, including his friends and family kill pigeons on Pigeon Day. So when Nipper becomes a target on the Pigeon Day, Palmer does everything to save Nipper, even risk his own life! When Palmer found Nipper, he was nipping at Palmer’s window. When Palmer took Nipper, he had to keep it a secret because if anyone found out, they would either kill Nipper or tell more people about him. And if more people find out, they will probably kill Nipper. When he had Nipper he started to act weird around his friends, so his friends found out he had Nipper. But when his friends tried to capture Nipper, it was too late and Palmer had already released Nipper into the wild. I like this book because of what Palmer would do to protect his pet, Nipper.

  2. Hello people the main character is Palmer he used to bully Susan. Then he did not want to be a wringer then he was nice to Susan. Nipper the golden bird was a nice and funny fellow. In the story Palmer has to keep nipper the bird safe but Palmer can't really do anything when he flew away. BTW HI.


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